Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Labels or Love

I've had that sung stuck in my head for the past couple of days, definitely my theme song! I set it as my cellphone's ringtone. (:

I know finding the right SD is a tough journey for every SB out there, but once you find him, it's incredible how things must change. I haven't found mine yet, but today at work (I'm a waitress at an Italian restaurant, ughh) some of my co-workers were talking about how they wish they could go to Florida but how broke we all were and how expensive it would be.. this reminded me of Mr. Businessman that is still hoping I'll change my mind and travel to visit him there. I have a paid ticket and bed whenever I want to travel there. I'm not a true SB yet, but I already feel how it's so different for us than other people..how we decide to advance by taking advantage of certain attributes we have. Of course I couldn't tell this to anybody I work with! "Hey I have an older man that will pay for me to go there!" haha..but it was a nice thing to have in mind.

I've been too busy with school and work to keep searching as much as I would like! I really want to quit my job but I won't do it until I have a set arrangement..and one that has been going on for at least a month; I won't risk my only source of income. But I know if I didn't work I could find Mr. Big sooo much faster. Or at least it wouldn't be such a big headache trying to set up date times with these men. I have one date set up for Sunday (I'm really excited about him! But I won't say anything just yet) and a maybe a second one tomorrow..I keep putting him off because he is really on the heavy side..but he has what I'm looking for, money and connections ): So we'll see how it goes.

I've been reading other SBs blogs, and I saw how nervous we all are about traveling to meet a pot for the first time. I would love to volunteer as your checkpoint in Houston if you need one (: The IAH is not that far from where I live..and I could even just meet with you if you have a lay over flight. It would be awesome to meet other SBs! Since I'm doing this all by myself.

Anyway, I hope everybody is having better luck than me.

Much love!<3

1 comment:

  1. i agree with the heavy-set thing lol! i actually cannot do/refuse to even meet with a pot SD if he is fat... so shallow but idc. and girl!-do NOT quit your job even if u are in a set arrangement. maybe look for another one that is more flexible with hours but please do not ever rely on your SD for a source on income. they are UNreliable!!!! and it will bite u in the ass if u do that. i understand tho about ti being sooo much easier to meet a SD w.out a strenuos work schedule... but the right SD will come along no matter what job youre working :) x3
