Saturday, June 26, 2010

I hope I'm not being too picky

Yay I have my first followers! Thanks girls (:

So Thursday night I met Mr. Businessman for dinner, and I found out he is actually a true gentleman. He is more than double my age, and not attractive, but I don't want to cringe away from him either. He takes care of himself, and while he doesn't have a six pack, he doesn't have a gut either, so things seemed like they could work out. During dinner, he talked a lot about his business and what is it that I need to be successful in life, and I found all of this really interesting. I didn't even have to feign attention, which I was already planning on doing. The one thing that bothered me was the way he talked to the host at the restaurant, I don't know about anybody else, but I'm a waitress myself so I know how annoying snobby people with money can be, and I really don't appreciate it. Besides that, it was a lovely dinner, which was my pick! Sushi, my favorite (:
After dinner, of course, he invited me back to his hotel room, but I avoided this by saying I had work early in the morning, and that we should meet for lunch instead, which he agreed to. Another bonus! Didn't pressure me into going with him. Friday before lunch I got the best surprise ever! He told me he wanted to take me to get my nails done (I like keeping acrylic nails much easier to take care off, but I haven't had the time lately) and so he went to get some coffee while I stayed at the spa, pampered and happy. I called him when I was done and we went to a place nearby for a late lunch. Second strike here, he was on the phone with I-don't-know-who for about half of our dinner! I had to keep myself entertained with texting my friends, which I guess is better than a boring conversation, but still. Anyway, after he got out of his phone we started talking about what kind of arrangement we both wanted. He is not interested in an allowance, or a pay per play. He wants me to travel with him, or visit him at home, and then he will take me out shopping and things like that. Right now I'm hoping to find an allowance SD, but this didn't seem bad, since he lives in Florida, and he even offered that I could take a friend with me, she would only have to stay in the guest bedroom.
Back to the story, I accepted going with him to his hotel room, and well, I'll spare the details. This was my first time having sex with a SD, and the experience wasn't that bad. He made me orgasm more than once (I spent the night) and the size wasn't bad at all. I just hated how he wouldn't shut up while I was on top! It took all my energy to ignore him and pretending I was just enjoying myself.
The morning before I left he gave me an envelope with some money for shopping (which was very generous!) and said he would love for me to visit him soon. So I might be making a trip to Florida in the next month or so.. I don't know yet. While the sex wasn't bad, and the money wasn't either, I don't think I would want to spend the whooole weekend at his house. I'm hoping my SD will be local.

For now I'm still searching! And I will do some nice shopping with my well earned money (:

Much love!<3

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is it official?

I had my first pot SD date yesterday! I'll call him Mr. Nice
Can you say unsuccessful though? Mr. Nice was, as his name says, really nice. I opted to have coffee instead of a dinner because I couldn't stay out too late and thought it would be a lot safer. Since I met him on his side of town (Houston is way too big!) I ended up getting lost and he had to call me to help me get to where our meeting was. He stayed with me on the phone the whole way, so I thought our date started pretty nice. When I finally got there he pulled in with his BMW next to my car, and I feel somewhat more comfortable, even though I knew it could have been a rental. He's always calling me his 'little girl' and things like that..which is soo weird because I'm about 1 or 2 years older than his daughter (I didn't ask for specifics), but anyway. He wanted to meet at Starbucks (I didn't know what to make out of that?) and I asked for the oh so great skim green frappuccino! (: Oh I forgot to mention how the picture he showed me was definitely not recent..but oh well.
We talked for about 2 hours..and it wasn't that bad. But I started realizing this wasn't going to work when we started taking about what kind of arrangement he wanted. He just kept asking me what I wanted..that he wanted me to be happy..bla bla. It turned out to seeing him twice a week for $1000 a month. Eek! Am I greedy or is that just completely not worth it? Even though he did offer to travel together sometime during the summer..I still didn't think it was enough. Eventually I had to leave and he was already asking if I wanted to go back to his apartment..ugh. I did give him a kiss (ewww) because I didn't know yet what I wanted to do about him. Worst kiss ever, by the way.
When I got home I texted him telling him that double what he offered would still be fair, and he didn't disagree with me, but he said that was out of his budget. He said that even though he couldn't afford me, that I wouldn't find a SD that would care for me as much as he would..right. So that's it for him, at least my first date wasn't a complete horrible experience.

In other news, remember my 'first break up' and how rude that guy was about it? Well I think he needs a name now, Mr. Businessman. So he emailed me the morning after our little fight..apologizing over and over again and that he really liked me, and that he was really willing on flying to Houston to make me feel more at ease. That he would stay at a Hotel for two nights and we could get to know each other then. I agreed with it because he has been trying to get to me for a while now..and that's a good thing for a SD right? And he's been offering a lot money wise, so we'll see where this goes. He will actually be landing sometime today. I don't want to jinx anything so I'll post more about Mr. Businessman Saturday/Sunday after he's gone.

Pretty busy week, and I'm sad I'll have to miss partying with my friends tonight! But oh well, if I get some $ugar it'll definitely be worth it.

Much love babies! <3

Monday, June 21, 2010


I don't know where to start.. even though I have yet to go on my first official SD date, I feel like a lot of things have happened.
I have read how a lot of y'all are scared to jinx something if you talk about a pot before an official arrangement happens, and I think I share that feeling! lol, so I'll talk briefly about this one pot. We will call him Mac. We have been talking every day through the phone..and there is actually a lot of chemistry between us, and he hasn't even mentioned sex once (which is super nice after all the freaks I have encountered). He is very well read.. and I've learned a lot just by talking to him, and he seems to like me a lot (: I will be traveling to *his place* for the first time next month.. I know it's very sudden but I know his full name, his company and his I'm starting to feel a lot safer. I'm making sure I'm taking all the safety precautions, and the plus side its that its only for one night, so even if we don't click IRL, I'm not stuck there for too long. Oh did I mention that he is only 32 and hot? :D Downside is that he might not have as much money as I would like.. but we'll see. Maybe he can get a hot guy discount.
Also today I did my first 'break up.' He doesn't need a name since he is off the radar already. Anyway, this businessman was really nice, and his confidence was so obvious! But his character was a little bit too strong for me..and I felt like he was treating me as a child sometimes. He wanted me to go visit him on one of his business trips, but I called the deal off after a couple days of talking (he hadn't bought the tickets yet, I wasn't that mean lol). He took it pretty bad..started to say all these things about how he was even planning on visiting me in Houston and bla bla..trying to make me feel guilty for sure. But I just said bye and he called me a fat ass..really!? After you were drooling over my pics? Anyway. NEXT
One sd I was texting with sent me a picture of his erection..eww really? At least clothes were on. And another one sent one of him only in his boxers. We haven't even met once, I'm not a prostitute people! I'm a Sugar Baby, kthx.
In local news..I might have two dates with two pots this week from Houston, so I'm excited about those, I really don't think I'll be trying to see any SD that wants me to travel out of my city before having met at least once (except for Mac).
This is all sooo exhausting. I have a test tomorrow, and I'm planning on going to the gym in 6 hours so I need to go to sleep. This really feels like a second job (I can't wait to quit that one, ugh), I just want to find a SD already to stop dealing with texts, calls, and e-mails. But I know I have to be patient, I'm not going to lower my standards <3

I hope everybody is doing awesome! Much love!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


So I'll make this my first official blog about everything that has been going through my mind because of who I've talked to and about what I've read.
I have a profile in a sd/sb website which is where I'm getting contacts from, and I'm surprised at how many people are actually looking for relationships! Or is it just they say that because they think we'll be easier to deal with if we believe that they want to marry us? Honestly, not to sound harsh, but I really don't care if the guy is married or has kids. This is a 'mutual beneficial relationship' or whatever in which if you keep me happy, I'll keep you happy also (:. No strings attached, so cut the bullshit about how you are looking for a soul mate in a website that girls sign up for some economical or connections benefit. Maybe it makes them believe that they will not be followed by something other than their charm..*ehem*
I've still met some men that do go straight to the point, that they want a strict sd/sb relationship, and lay down the rules. I think it's better that way.. after we have established some chemistry, of course.
Oh and what's with all these men talking about sex before we have even met? I think some people forget we're not 'escorts.' I'm making sure I tell them early on that I have to feel comfortable to start talking about those things, I mean I'm not naive.. I know it will eventually lead to it, but be a little discreet about it. When I tell them to step back they say that they don't want me to think they're just trying to get laid..that they could do that in their city without the help of this website, that it is not the only thing they are after..right.
Outside of who I've met..I've thought a lot about this world I am entering. Of course, nobody but whoever is reading this blog knows about my decision of starting this. I kind of wish I had a close friend that could be doing this with me, but I am so scared of what they'll think! So I'm just keeping it quiet for now, but I'm still pretty excited and terrified at the same time. I know we have to make sure these guys are not broken horny older men..and actually guys that want to spoil us, and I want to make sure I don't get mislead into one of the fake ones. I guess it all takes practice to start feeling more comfortable.

This is all I have now!
Please follow me, I want to meet other girls in my position and know how y'all are doing! (;

Much love!!


I have just been born into this world as a sugar baby and I've read a lot of blogs of other girls, so I decided I should go ahead and start my own.
Haven't been out on any real dates yet, just talking to some men, I'll update as things start to progress (:
Super nervous though!