Monday, June 21, 2010


I don't know where to start.. even though I have yet to go on my first official SD date, I feel like a lot of things have happened.
I have read how a lot of y'all are scared to jinx something if you talk about a pot before an official arrangement happens, and I think I share that feeling! lol, so I'll talk briefly about this one pot. We will call him Mac. We have been talking every day through the phone..and there is actually a lot of chemistry between us, and he hasn't even mentioned sex once (which is super nice after all the freaks I have encountered). He is very well read.. and I've learned a lot just by talking to him, and he seems to like me a lot (: I will be traveling to *his place* for the first time next month.. I know it's very sudden but I know his full name, his company and his I'm starting to feel a lot safer. I'm making sure I'm taking all the safety precautions, and the plus side its that its only for one night, so even if we don't click IRL, I'm not stuck there for too long. Oh did I mention that he is only 32 and hot? :D Downside is that he might not have as much money as I would like.. but we'll see. Maybe he can get a hot guy discount.
Also today I did my first 'break up.' He doesn't need a name since he is off the radar already. Anyway, this businessman was really nice, and his confidence was so obvious! But his character was a little bit too strong for me..and I felt like he was treating me as a child sometimes. He wanted me to go visit him on one of his business trips, but I called the deal off after a couple days of talking (he hadn't bought the tickets yet, I wasn't that mean lol). He took it pretty bad..started to say all these things about how he was even planning on visiting me in Houston and bla bla..trying to make me feel guilty for sure. But I just said bye and he called me a fat ass..really!? After you were drooling over my pics? Anyway. NEXT
One sd I was texting with sent me a picture of his erection..eww really? At least clothes were on. And another one sent one of him only in his boxers. We haven't even met once, I'm not a prostitute people! I'm a Sugar Baby, kthx.
In local news..I might have two dates with two pots this week from Houston, so I'm excited about those, I really don't think I'll be trying to see any SD that wants me to travel out of my city before having met at least once (except for Mac).
This is all sooo exhausting. I have a test tomorrow, and I'm planning on going to the gym in 6 hours so I need to go to sleep. This really feels like a second job (I can't wait to quit that one, ugh), I just want to find a SD already to stop dealing with texts, calls, and e-mails. But I know I have to be patient, I'm not going to lower my standards <3

I hope everybody is doing awesome! Much love!

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